Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Back in the Saddle

Hi ladies! Thanks so much for your encouragement after my last post. I was pretty discouraged when I stepped on the scale Monday morning and saw that I GAINED 2 lbs over the weekend. Considering that I only lost 1.5 lbs last week, that means a net gain. But Tiffany was right - I was retaining water from all of the eating out - this was NOT fat that I had gained. Water...that's ok. I ate well yesterday (despite meeting a girlfriend for dinner at Olive Garden) and when I got back on the scale this morning, I was actually BELOW what I was at before the weekend! I weighed in at 170.6. On top of that, I woke up to a voice mail message from Bob that he had reached a new low! He's taken my lead and started restricting his calories. He hasn't started working out yet, but it's awesome that he's watching what he's eating. I feel like we're in this together now! Tonight, I jumped on my Wii Fit and did the stepper for a half hour while watching HGTV :) I called Bob and said goodnight to him and then actually got BACK on it! I did a total of 1 hr 15 mins tonight! Considering that I was under my allotted calories and I got in a great workout, I can't wait to wake up tomorrow and weigh in!!

Monday weight: 172.9
Tuesday weight: 170.6 *new low*


  1. good work it must be amazing to weigh in and see a loss

  2. VERY COOL. I totally like that you guys are in this TOGETHER- awesome!

    New low for both of you! The motivation is starting to get infectious here :)
