Thursday, February 25, 2010

Broke into the 160s!!!!!

So I've been waiting with anticipation for the day that I jumped on the scale and broke beneath the 170 line. That day was today!! 169.8!! And I can REALLY see differences in my body. I have this stomach roll that's always been there and it's been going down little by little, and today I noticed a huge difference! I can't wait until it's 100% gone - I can't even imagine. Bob is telling me that it WILL happen and that I'll be able to wear a bikini on our honeymoon. That's fun to think about. I don't think I've EVER had a bikini on! Bob has been in the 340's and on this same morning told me that he reached 339.8! It's fun to be working on this together and hitting new lows at the same time even. I'm really proud of him and his hard work.

Oh - big news here - WEDDING DEADLINE.....shortened!!! Bob had originally told me that the engagement was 5-6 months down the road (and then the wedding is another 6 months out from there). We started looking at houses though. He decided that he doesn't want to move forward with house hunting though until we're engaged - more logical flow. He also realized though that he really DOES want to marry me and DOES want to find a place that will be ours. So he's prayed about it, and is now thinking 2-3 months. This is AWESOME because he is the most wonderful man, I love him SO much, and I want so badly to be his wife and wake up next to him in the morning :) The only down side to this - less time to lose weight!! I'm not sweating this though. I already figured out that I could have it gone in July if I lose 2 lbs a week. I am on track and pacing well for this.

Bob has wanted to do a colon cleanse/detox thing for a really long time. Anyone heard of this before or tried it? We're doing the Colinix and Toxinout products together. I thought it was a good idea but we didn't have the money to drop down on it (the total came to $646 for both of us to do the 3 month program). I have the money to do it though now and so we ordered it tonight. He was so excited and I actually am too! I'm a little scared about what it'll do to my body in the process of getting all of the junk out, but it can only help this weight loss process. When my body is cleaned out, I should be able to metabolize foods much better and for all I know, I could have 10 lbs of toxins being stored in my fat. I can't wait to see what kind of results I see from this!!

Current Weight: 169.8


  1. congrats on the milestone! keep up the great work and you will look hot in that wedding dress. i did a 2 week cleanse. Dr. naturas colonaide.......not what i thought it was going to be ($52). I hope the one you do works better! Let us know!

  2. Congratulations on your loss. I hope it will act as a motivator to keep you going. Success has a way of doing that.

  3. Congratulations for being so into each other! Awesome that there is a lot of dedication here :)

    Don't know a lot about the results of a colon cleanse but definitely cannot be nothing with all your hard work- affirm that it'll be great and it will!
